Trivia Answers for April 2019 Issues

Mar 21, 2019 | Trivia Answers

National Emergency

1.  Which Republican lawmaker originally announced he was against President Trump’s national emergency declaration and then later flip-flopped and cast his vote in support of the president’s declaration?
a) Rep. Mark Meadows (R–NC)
 b) Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC)
c) Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN)

2.    What is the name of the federal law that was passed in 1976 and formalized the emergency powers of U.S. presidents?
a) Immigration and Nationality Act
b) War Powers Resolution
  c) National Emergencies Act

3.    Since the above-named legislation was signed into law, how many national emergencies have been declared by U.S. presidents (as of February 2019)?
a) 59
b) 71
c) 96

4.    Article I, Section 9, Clause 7, of the U.S. Constitution is referred to as what clause?
a)  Separation of Powers Clause
b)  Taxing and Spending Clause
c)  Appropriations Clause

Civil Asset Forfeiture

1.    Equitable sharing refers to a program in which the proceeds of assets seized through civil forfeiture are shared between state and federal law enforcement authorities.
a)   True
b)   False

2.    Which law established the Assets Forfeiture Fund at the Department of Justice and the Equitable Sharing Program?
a)   Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act
b)   Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act
c)   Comprehensive Crime Control Act

3.    On March 16, 2017, which lawmakers introduced the Fifth Amendment Integrity Restoration (FAIR) Act, a reform bill designed to protect innocent property owners from federal civil forfeiture? (circle all that apply)
a)   Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI)
b)   Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
c)   Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)

4.    Critics of civil asset forfeiture argue that the practice:
a)   Disadvantages people of color and poor people
b)   Violates people’s constitutional rights
c)   Encourages law agencies to pad their budgets
d)   All of the above

5.    In civil proceedings, the government must prove the property’s connection to alleged criminal activity “beyond a reasonable doubt.”
a)   True
   b)   False