Issue 1: Student Loan Debt

STUDENT LOAN BORROWERS in the United States owe a collective nearly $1.75 trillion in federal and private student loan debt as of August 2022, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. H.R.8729 “Debt Cancellation Accountability Act of 2022” S.4483 “Debt Cancellation Accountability Act of 2022” “President Biden Announces Student Loan Relief 4 Borrowers”
GOP “Biden’s Student Loan Giveaway to the Wealthy”
GOP “CBO: Biden’s Biggest Executive Actions Come with Price Tag”
Wall Street Journal: “Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Plan to Cancel Debt”
Associated Press: “GOP states sue Biden administration over student loan plan”
Issue 2: Puerto Rico Statehood H.R.8393 “Puerto Rico Status Act” “Chair Grijalva Introduces Historic Puerto Rico Status Act” “Puerto Rico Status Act Stalls in House, ‘Outside Interests’” “Rep. García’s Statement on His Vote on the Puerto Rico Status Act” “Supporters Rally for the Puerto Rico Status Act”
CRS: “Statehood Process + Political Status of U.S. Territories”
Issue 1: Student Loan Debt
- Should any student debt be canceled? If so, who is “deserving” of cancellation, and on what timeline?
- If all future students were provided with a pathway to a debt-free public college going forward, does that make student debt cancellation more or less reasonable?
- Why is the question over forgiving federal student loan debt so controversial?
- How have the opportunities in the job market for someone with a degree changed in the last 10 to 50 years?
- Is it important to have a significant number of young people attend college, including young people that are going to require loans to afford college?
Issue 2: Puerto Rico Statehood
- Do you support or oppose H.R.8393? If you were speaking to a person who disagreed with you, what would you say is the strongest argument in support of your position?
- Should Puerto Rico be granted statehood? Why or why not?
- What other policies could mitigate the problems seen by proponents of statehood? Explain your answer(s).
- Should any or all of the other U.S. territories be granted statehood? Why or why not?
- What other measures might be considered, if any, to resolve Puerto Ricans’ lack of representation in Congress, citizenship, and other concerns?